Nancy Brommell - Business Advisor and Resident Expert for Made To Grow Project

I’m also a Resident Expert for Made To Grow Project

Are you a:

  • Solopreneur?

  • Small business owner wondering how best to expand and grow?

  • Entrepreneur in the start-up stage of business?

Wishing you had someone to talk to about your business management and growth?

Book a meeting with Nancy - Your Business Advisor - On Call

I'm a creative person who loves paints and pens, sometimes each on their own, and sometimes combined altogether in collage!

I specialize in providing business advice and coaching to entrepreneurs, solopreneurs and small business owners. Contact me for:


Decision-making, and

Coaching on the big picture.

Whether you are beginning your entrepreneurial journey or already operate your own business, if you:

  • Feel stressed, uncertain, frustrated, lonely or overwhelmed

  • Would love to have someone (other than your Mom or your BFF) with whom to brainstorm and hash out your ideas

  • Wish you had a better handle on all aspects of your business, especially the financial aspects

  • Relish the idea of talking to someone who is knowledgeable in business and can provide helpful advice…

Examples of questions and problems discussed and solved in one-hour advisory meetings:

  • I don’t know what my business strategy is - mission, vision, values, goals?

  • I don’t know what business structure I should choose - sole proprietorship, partnership or corporation. How do I decide?

  • I’m collaborating with another business owner but things aren’t going well. What do I do?

  • I’m considering renting a space but I don’t know the first thing about lease agreements. What do I need to know?

  • I want to get out of the business partnership that I’m in. HELP!

  • Do I need a business plan? What do I put in it?

  • Numbers scare me. I don’t understand the financial aspects of business. Please explain in language I will understand.

  • I’ve been operating my business for a while, but I’m not making any money. I don’t know what the problem is.

  • How can I grow my business?

  • Employees, sub-contractors, collaborators - agreements, contracts - how do I get them? How do I get out of them?

  • What do I need to know about taxes?

  • I’ve got so many business problems, questions and ideas, I don’t even know where to begin. I need someone to help me make sense of all that’s in my head.

Nancy Brommell, Business Advisor can help women entrepreneurs and small business owners with problem solving, decision-making and coaching on the big picture.

When you choose advising and coaching with me, you will gain confidence and outline a clear path forward to:

  • Start

  • Grow, and

  • Manage your business

    …With sustainability and profitability in mind.


Why choose me as your Business Advisor/Coach?

Because Financial Acumen is my secret sauce.

What does that mean?

I have a knack for making the financial aspects of the business easy to understand and manage. Having a clear understanding of the financial aspects of your business will provide you with:

  • Self-trust

  • Power, and

  • Control

So that you can start and grow your business with sustainability and profitability in mind.

Thank you SO much for offering your time to us today! It’s amazing having you at our finger tips and accessible to us for such amazing advice.
— Nancy Dutiaume, Co-founder, Made To Grow and Owner, Made Beauty Co.

Choose self-trust, power and control, as you outline a clear path forward.


Got a business problem or questions you want to discuss? Book a one-hour appointment.

Before I met Nancy Brommell I was feeling overwhelmed, stuck and confused at what my next step in business was, therefore I was in freeze mode. While speaking with several entrepreneurs and business owners they had all recommended I see Nancy. Nancy and I had met for lunch to talk about my business. Within 5 minutes of meeting, Nancy asked me to pull out my pen and notepad and instructed me to write the words that were coming out of my mouth down on paper. She was excited and so was I. By the end of lunch I had a clear path of what to do next.

Nancy is intelligent, kind, experienced and has a wealth of knowledge that you can not put a price tag on. Nancy is valuable beyond measure and will without a doubt help you in your business.

Thank you Nancy, I can’t wait to work with you in the future.
— Amanda Moyle, Health & Wellness Coaching Services